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Welcome to our very own website! Here’s where we’ll keep a personal archive of our fan comic. At this time we are aware the website has some glitchy issues for Firefox users, so we do recommend using Google Chrome for best viewing. Many pages, including the character pages are still under construction, and we will be continuing to work on the website in the future. We decided to publish it now since most of the website is functional. Thank you for checking out our website, and here's to more Skulldudes content coming soon!

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Lupe C.A
Lupe C.A
Oct 08, 2023

Thanks for all the hearth and energy you guys put in the proyect ! Excited to see more, but no presure :) . Good luck ♡


Willow Shikito
Willow Shikito
Oct 08, 2023

Skulldudes finally comes out god, good luck on this project

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